What are the district’s needs?
While Washington and Jefferson Middle Schools have served generations of children and have been well maintained, they are both over 100 years old and have outlived their useful lives.
The buildings no longer support a modern educational experience and lack the flexible spaces needed for small-group instruction, community building, and strong social interaction among students. The site designs of both buildings also do not allow for the safe or efficient pickup and drop-off of students.
Additionally, a lack of air conditioning has had a significant impact on our students, as buildings can get very hot in the early fall and late spring. Over the past two school years alone, there have been 42 school days where the temperature has exceeded 80 degrees.
The district’s current operational budget has a $3.5 million gap. To balance our budget, we may need to make program and staffing changes that will negatively affect students. If we do nothing, kids will have fewer and fewer opportunities as they engage in the critical middle school years.
How do our existing middle schools compare?
At this time, our middle school students, parents, and teachers have unequal access to educational facilities.
Only 18% of Washington and 11% of Jefferson are air conditioned, while Roosevelt is 100% air conditioned. Washington and Jefferson have about 20,000 square feet less of space to serve about the same number of students as Roosevelt.
Washington provides 152 square feet of space per student, while Jefferson offers 168 square feet per student. Roosevelt provides 185 square feet per student.
What is the proposed solution to address these needs?
The Dubuque School Board has placed a bond issue question on the ballot for Tuesday, November 7, 2023. The total amount of the bond would be $150 million.
If the question receives at least 60% approval, the district will move ahead with the following projects:
Construction of a new, modern middle school on the Washington Middle School site: This would replace the more than 100-year-old Washington and Jefferson buildings while ensuring access to similar, high-quality facilities for ALL middle school students in the district. The district also will be able to create a feeder system through which students will attend middle school and high school within the same cohorts. View the final report from the Middle School Consolidation study.
Addition of air conditioning (and other HVAC mechanical improvements) to all schools in the district currently without it: AC in all schools will ensure comfortable learning spaces for ALL students and eliminate the need for schools to sometimes release early due to heat.
Construction of a gymnasium addition to Eisenhower Elementary School: The space constraints due to not having a separate gymnasium and lunch/multipurpose room create scheduling conflicts and limit the amount of time available in the school day to both serve meals and teach wellness. It also restricts the ability to hold special events during the day.
Construction of a baseball and softball complex with lights, restrooms, and concessions: New fields would address increased player safety risks that exist on some current fields due to the orientation of the sun. Additionally, we are the only district in our conference without lighted facilities and current restroom facilities are not in close proximity to the fields.
Land acquisition for a potential future elementary school aligned with geographic population shifts: This will allow the district to prepare to address the long-term needs of families, aligned with movement in the community’s housing population.
What would be the benefit of consolidating the two middle schools?
Consolidating two Washington and Jefferson Middle Schools into one will save operational costs, make the most efficient use of staff, and provide greater program opportunities for students. This will have long-term benefits to the current and future students attending our schools.
If we do nothing, kids will have fewer and fewer opportunities as they engage in the critical middle school years.
How will these projects be funded?
The proposed renovation and improvement projects would be funded through a combination of bond, PPEL, and SAVE funds:
$18 million would come from the proposed bond issue, if approved by voters.
$1.7 million would come from funds through the district’s Physical Plant & Equipment Levy (PPEL). These funds may only be used for infrastructure and equipment repairs, purchases, and improvements.
$13 million would come from the one-cent statewide sales tax, also known as SAVE. Using these funds would not impact property taxes or the sales tax in our community.
If the bond is approved, how long will it take to air condition the remaining schools without air conditioning?
Air conditioning for Washington and Jefferson will be addressed by a move to the new middle school. A more detailed schedule is being developed for air conditioning the remaining schools, but it is generally anticipated to occur in phases during summers over the next two or three years, with specific timing and completion dates dependent on material availability and contractor capacity.
If the bond is approved, when will the new middle school open?
If the bond is approved, the district would move into full building design and project bidding stages before construction starts. Based on tentative timelines, the new middle school would be ready to open in fall 2027 for the 2027-28 school year.
That means that students who are currently in first, second, and third grade during the 2023-24 school year would be the first sixth, seventh and eighth-grade students to attend the new middle school.
Where would my student attend middle school?
Middle school boundaries would align with the high school boundaries when the new middle school is completed.
Students residing in the Hempstead High School boundary would attend middle school at Roosevelt Middle School and students residing in the Dubuque Senior High School boundary would attend middle school at the new middle school.
Not sure which high school boundary you reside in? Check by address on our Find Your School page.
What will happen to Washington and Jefferson if a new middle school is built?
Washington Middle School and Jefferson Middle School will continue to operate during construction of the new middle school. Once a new middle school opens, the current Washington building would be deconstructed. The Jefferson building WOULD NOT be deconstructed by the district but would likely be put up for sale.
Where will the baseball/softball facility be located?
A location for the baseball/softball facility has not yet been determined and the site selection process will begin once the bond is approved.
Will community members get to vote on the proposed solution to the district's facilities needs?
Yes. The School Board has approved a bond issue question that will appear on the ballot Tuesday, November 7, 2023.
How would an approved bond affect property taxes?
Due to a combination of strong financial management and enrollment changes, the inclusion of the debt service levy to fund the bond will not cause the district’s overall tax levy rate to change. The rate of $14.51 per $1,000 of assessed property value will remain in place. This represents the district’s fourth-lowest tax levy rate over the past 15 years.
The district and board have been fiscally responsible with the funds our community members have invested in their local schools. This will remain the case, even if the bond is approved this November.
How can you have a $150 million bond and not increase the tax levy rate?
The district’s tax rate will remain unchanged because by planning ahead for this bond, the district is able to reduce other portions of the levy rate. This offsets the addition of the bond levy and ensures there is no tax-rate change.
Why not use SAVE funds to support projects included in the bond?
The district has current SAVE dollars committed to paying older bonds for current/previous projects, and the remaining balance of available dollars is not sufficient to cover projects in the bond.
In addition, based on an analysis from the district bond advisors, using only GO Bond funds for the project as opposed to using a combination of GO Bond and SAVE funds is estimated to be less expensive by approximately $8.5 million over time.
Why should we move forward with these improvements now?
The district has long prioritized strong financial management and the efficient use of resources, maximizing the use of one-cent statewide sales tax (known as SAVE) funds to complete over $200 million in facility and construction projects.
There are a number of reasons the district and board have decided to move forward with this proposal now:
Modern learning spaces greatly enhance a student’s overall educational experience. These projects will provide increased opportunities for ALL students, no matter where they attend school.
Without the bond, there will not be enough SAVE funds available to complete these projects. History tells us that construction prices will only increase, and completing these projects now will provide the best return on taxpayer dollars.
School funding has not kept pace with the rate of inflation or district expenses, placing pressure on the operating budget. Consolidation to two middle schools as part of the bond would provide an estimated $3.5 million in annual operating savings.
The district and board believe now is the right time to address these needs to support the current and future students of the Dubuque Community Schools.
When is election day?
The bond question will appear on a special election ballot Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on election day.
Is absentee voting available for this election?
Yes. Voters may complete an absentee ballot in person at the County Auditor’s Office during normal business hours. The last day to vote by absentee ballot in person is the day before the election.
To vote absentee by mail, ballots must be requested by October 23 and returned by November 7. Find the absentee ballot request form at: